By Richard Masoner
"Girls in orchards bike" is a short excerpt from "The Wheels of Progress," a film from 1927 on the benefits of public roads for motor transport personnel.Le film was produced by the US Department of agriculture Office of the public road.
Departures from film with things were in 1897, when ladies unnecessarily rode their bikes to choose Apple Orchard, men walked to work and hosting vendors produce, meat and poultry in the horse drawn carts farm of 20 kilometres. Living close to work was the "big idea" because everyone walking or biking to work around.
Fast forward to 1927. Workers can now live far from factories and offices and make them work, the heavens to Betsy! The "Lady quiet years 1990," which inspired by haiku was apples with her friends became "the modern woman American", which led to his work. Farmers with the trucks have a huge competitive advantage over their neighbours that persist in using old fashioned cart horse.Bus extend existing railway transit functionality by providing transportation on many routes these new artificial "suburbs".Couper President
Coolidge riding in a car and then businessman. "Everyone rides!"The Negro in the slums with his large family and the Indian smoking his pipe by his tipi have a car, by golly!
And the thing that makes beautiful vehicles are good roads, built with public funds from the Office of the public road administration and the Department of agriculture.
Nowadays, people are completely sick of some routes that the Department of Transportation recently received 16 million dollars in New Haven, Conn., to shoot down a highway.
The full film is about 15 minutes and stimulation is slow, but it offers an interesting overview on the prospects for America in the 1920s.
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