November 29, 2010
Mountain Biking Scotland
Check it out!
November 27, 2010
How To Use Bicycle Clipless Pedals
Check it out!
November 25, 2010
Cycle A Century Training Program
Check it out!
November 23, 2010
Learn To Ride A Bike
Check it out!
November 22, 2010
The Essential Guide to Road Bike Cycling: Mind, Body & Budget
A 'must have' new cycling ebook covering how to get the most out of road bike cycling, in terms of goals and attitude (Mind), training (Body) and Budget, for various road cycling styles. A fantastic reference for beginners through to experienced riders.
Check it out!
Mountain Bike Riding & Maintenance Tutorials
Earn 75%! These tutorials will improve your mountain biking skills so that you can have more Fun on the trails & they will save you Money & Time by teaching you how to repair your mountain bike. Take them on the trail by adding them to your mobile device.
Check it out!
November 20, 2010
New Opportunity - Cycling Training - Massive Untapped Traffic
Check it out!
November 18, 2010
Your Essential Bike Buying Guide
Check it out!
November 16, 2010
A 6-pound road bike
I've posted some pretty light bikes in the past. In 2006 seemed this 7-pound Crumpton fixie incredibly light for me. A few years later, German professional road bicycle racer Gunter Mai built a reduction road bike that approximately the same weight (3195 grams). Gunter not just built that bike for show or he claimed to drive up to 1000 kilometers per week.
According to a post on Gunter, however, is no longer that bike ride. He parted the online earlier this year. Some of these components, including the custom spin frame and THM fork, were sold to a Colorado rider who they go to Jason Woznick of Fairwheel Bikes in Tucson into an even lighter road bike sent (that now spread around the Internet like wildfire).
VeloNews has a gallery of photos of the Woznick one-time 6-pound (2700 grams) bike that were taken at the Interbike last week.The TriRig post I mentioned before also has some great detail shots of the bike, and they discuss how it came to be and where some of the parts came from. many of the components are custom, but TriRig stresses that prototype carbon dash hubs on the bike in production in 2011 (30 grams for the front) and about 99 for the rear.
So. .. If the pattern continues and people keep pushing the limits, I'll be posting a custom bicycle of the 5-pound in a few years.What do you think? where is the bottom limit of road bike weight? as much as my friends on the UCI don't like it, I don't think we have seen it yet.
Posted in Road, Tradeshows. Tagged with 6 pound bicycle, carbon, custom, lightweight, road bike. By James T
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November 15, 2010
Faso tour Crammond
Benin team arrives in the miracle of God for the great show after the displacement of more than one thousand kilometres with restChristoph slightly Herby of Griot Quiet sharing a new position on the blog of "Cycling in Benin" of on the national team of Benin and Faso Tower.
Herby begins: "it was a long way bumpy in Ouagadougou, the capital named best and zero Faso Africa round."We've loaded in rickety transported Benin team races in addition to a former cyclist décennie.appartenant van, the miracle of God has transported the Benin team at races over 10 years and has become a figure on the stage of full history course.Lire West Africa here.
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November 14, 2010
Bone frame bicycle
Sungkuk Park of Busan, as Korea created a concept bike that could actually function as a bicycle! her bicycle minivelo design uses conventional components, but he was inspired to design surroundings reminiscent of human bones, he believes causes a strong yet lightweight structure.
Bike designers were frameworks material removal by creating tubes rétreint for about one hundred years because they realize foreign material - like joints of bulbous, bone in the Park - add unnecessary weight, preferring to add weight force where there is need to close the joins with other tubes.
Yet, it's a fun idea and Yanko Design suggests this might be the right bike for Halloween night.
See also:
Families mothers bamboo frameLugged composite bicycle frame How To [ad] bending picture bicycleCargo bike image construction of school buildingBen King's Trek Livestrong Madone
Many Greenville locals were out in support of defending champion and resident pro George Hincapie, but Am King won over the crowd as he fought hard for the youngest winner in the 25-year history of the United States cycling Professional Road Race Championship.
Enough talk all about the race. in keeping with the theme of Saturday post, I want to share a few of my photos of the winning bike, King's SRAM Red-equipped Trek Madone.
I have a lot more pictures from the weekend to post, both of the racing action as of pro cycling of the different teams.Look for all of those on my Flickr page as I continue to sort through and get them uploaded.
Update:My race photos are now uploaded to Flickr. you can also see on my pictures of much more of the pros cycling in a separate photo set.
Posted in Road. Tagged with Ben King, Greenville, Madone, road bike, road racing, trek, US Pro, USA Cycling Championships. By James T
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November 13, 2010
Come and gone from Joe Parkin
The new book picks in 1991, the year that Parkin returned to the u.s. after his contract with the Belgium based Tulip Computers team. I really enjoyed his stories of domestic racing in the 1990s, partly because I have so many fond memories of racing during that time. I was definitely not a pro, but the Parkin stories about some of the road and mountain bike races that I remember fondly surely transported me back in time.
Joe Parkin was not the fastest or most famous pro cyclist of his time, but his passion for bicycle racing is what encounters in this book. His fight to live like a pro racer season after season (both on-road and dirty) kept me interested and made sure the book hard to drop. The conversation, almost rambling style in which he tells stories which makes it sometimes have the feeling that he tell them just for you.
If he of the ups and downs of the second half of the career of the pro race tells, give a feeling of excitement, as well as the disappointment and frustration, which goes hand in hand with struggling to follow a real passion. Come and Gone is an honest and authentic account of the not always glamorous life of an average pro bike racer, and I think that is what sets it apart from many of the other cycling books I've read.
The story is not build an important turning point or career pinnacle that is already known. instead, it offers a real, and sometimes unflattering, glimpse into a lifestyle that many cycling fans and amateur racers a bit curious about.
The book provides a nice colour photo section in the middle that I enjoyed almost as much as the stories (Nothing transports me back to the late 1980s and early 1990s more than garish team kits, lugged steel frames and Euro racing mullets).As I read the chapters on different seasons, teams and matches, I found myself flipping to the photo section to look at the accompanying photos.
These days, in addition to writing books and blogging at 6 years in a rain Cape, is Joe Parkin the editor of Bike magazine. cycling is the only mountain bike oriented magazine that I subscribe (for now at least), so I'm very excited about the new sister am publication, paved. I haven't seen the first issue yet, but as paved the same great photography and occasional offbeat attitude as Bike has, I'm sure it will be one of my new favorite bike magazines.
Posted in Review. Tagged with book review, mountain biking, pro Cycling, road racing. By James T
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November 12, 2010
Taiwan, time trials, and a typhoon
Typhoon Megi cancels first Taiwan ever professional road cycling race.
After having spent millions to prepare and promote Taiwan, Cup cycling race organisers cancelled races this weekend after storms spun Megi Typhoon road and rail in Hualien, where the race was scheduled closed.
Typhoon struck in the Philippines and buzz to mainland China after baseboards, South of Taiwan, earlier this week. Torrential rain and storm surge washed coastal roads where the race was meant to take place along the rugged coast of Hualien County Taiwan has. Race officials decided to cancel the event set after you have determined that the roads were too dangerous for the race on.

A part of the team Rabobank, sponsored by the giant flew in Taipei earlier this week to participate in the race. ""It is very sad for the organizers," said the team leader Erik Dekker."They've really done any ici.Elle was very well organized."Dekker, says they have been invited to 2011 and plan to return for another try.
Other teams in the race Elite have included amateur teams from Europe and Asia, as well as teams of the UCI Continental Asia Tour.Certains them before Hualien closed roads, while others entrenched place in their hotels elsewhere around on the island.
Instead of running the along the coast, many of these professionals and amateurs will mingle with bike bloggers in the resort of Sun Moon Lake, where they are going to do a few rounds of parade of landscapes like this.

Primavera cycling team has also invited visitors to mount them in Taichung County this weekend.
See also:
Visit the Georgia teams announcedTaiwan bike Chinese photosOverseas DayAmgen California women's criterium tour
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Girls bikes orchards
"Girls in orchards bike" is a short excerpt from "The Wheels of Progress," a film from 1927 on the benefits of public roads for motor transport personnel.Le film was produced by the US Department of agriculture Office of the public road.
Departures from film with things were in 1897, when ladies unnecessarily rode their bikes to choose Apple Orchard, men walked to work and hosting vendors produce, meat and poultry in the horse drawn carts farm of 20 kilometres. Living close to work was the "big idea" because everyone walking or biking to work around.
Fast forward to 1927. Workers can now live far from factories and offices and make them work, the heavens to Betsy! The "Lady quiet years 1990," which inspired by haiku was apples with her friends became "the modern woman American", which led to his work. Farmers with the trucks have a huge competitive advantage over their neighbours that persist in using old fashioned cart horse.Bus extend existing railway transit functionality by providing transportation on many routes these new artificial "suburbs".Couper President
Coolidge riding in a car and then businessman. "Everyone rides!"The Negro in the slums with his large family and the Indian smoking his pipe by his tipi have a car, by golly!
And the thing that makes beautiful vehicles are good roads, built with public funds from the Office of the public road administration and the Department of agriculture.
Nowadays, people are completely sick of some routes that the Department of Transportation recently received 16 million dollars in New Haven, Conn., to shoot down a highway.
The full film is about 15 minutes and stimulation is slow, but it offers an interesting overview on the prospects for America in the 1920s.
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November 11, 2010
One of these trikes is not like the other
Recumbent Trike ever made" refers to it as the "only successful lean send trike design ever produced" (watch this video to see the steering wheel of action).
The Baccura site points out that the tricycle between 1981-1983 by Jamie MacMenemy which, according to this BikePortland forums thread also developed for Cannondale lefty hub is designed. Even came out of shape, MacMenemy close to winning the OHPV inaugural PIR Human Powered Challenge with its new trike design. The history of the Baccura Airlite design is quite interesting, and you can read more about it on Also check it out (along with other trike designs) at the 2006 OHPV-people-Power-Challenge.
Josh Hadar e-Trike Chopper has spread around the design blogs. It is not smooth, low, and aerodynamic design as the Baccura, but it has an interesting look. Unlike some of the Hadar other sculptural bicycle designs have not even pedals. It is a fully electric version of one of his earlier pedal designing trike, the Christy Lynn.
According to Inhabitat, is the Hadar new e-trike "powered by an electric motor that Mars an output of 3 kilowatts (6.4 HP) can produce continuously and 15 kilowatts at a pressure, making the helicopter trike to hit a top speed of 45 mph. "Pretty impressive … but I would still like it better with the option of the pedal.
Posted in concept, E-bike. Tagged with Baccura Airlite, electric bicycles, HPV, Josh Hadar, recumbent, tricycle. By James T
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November 10, 2010
Wednesday evening bike news
HI all and happy Wednesday evening (in the United States, anyway) TargetObject usually hover on the photos for their legends.
December 11 is turning Wheels For Kids in San Jose, California.

Linus bikes in a manner to the New York Times column.
Derby style is a Minneapolis bike parade.
Programmes for the promotion of cycle at 3.4% increase in travel domestic vélo.Via.
Bike and recovery in the small town of Western Australia flight.
The University of Utah police and campus bike theft.
Open home Eugene Oregon pedestrian and cycling Master Plan.

Fargo, North Dakota, said "No" to a pedal powered bar.
Toronto: 8 years for killing a cyclist.
EcoVelo links page is filled to the edge with goodness of the bicycle.
Tulsa accusing Bike.
Sharrows Logan, Utah.

Metallurgical analysis after a bike accident?
I don't know a pedal propelled submarine is a good idea.
Remind:Revyl carbon brake by hive can crack and échouent.Rappelons here info .the hive sold approximately 500 of these brakes $ 400 last year.
UK children say Sir Walter Raleigh invented the bicyclette.Nous know full well it was Albert Einstein that genius is source of percent inspiration and 99 percent perspiration, and bicycle inspired genius, source of inspiration and perspiration!
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Enter the African bicycle Design Contest
How you want to design an icon again?
On Tuesday, September 7 2010, better known as sustainable Tuesday (sustainable Tuesday) in Netherlands, the African bicycle Design Contest (ABDC) second prize in the national fight won. The ABDC is an initiative to develop a bike which meets African needs, in co-creation with students, professionals and anyone interested is different. Ideas may be submitted until 30 September 2010 on
Netherlands is famous for his bike culture. There are more bicycles than inhabitants and a bicycle is used by all people, regardless of the status, gender, culture and religion. as in Netherlands are cycling is very popular in Africa.But where in Netherlands bicycle mostly for recreational and commuting is used, in Africa is a tool for economic empowerment and independence. Unlike Netherlands are available bicycle designs in Africa of poor quality, which hinders economic development.
Research shows there is a need for a sustainable bicycle designs produced with environment friendly and locally available materials, to reduce or prevent an increase in CO2 emissions.The global knowledge and innovative ideas can make a real impact on the livelihoods of African families.
Wiki-bike invites everyone to share their ideas for the perfect African bicycle and join the African bicycle design festival 2010-2011. a professional jury, with James Thomas, Peter van der veer, Luud schimmelpennink, Jan Carel Diehl, Frank van Rijn, Nick van Kimmenade and African bicycle network, will all contribute to evaluate and select five design ideas in October 2010. The five winning contributions will be rewarded with a design team that the design ideas in prototypes will lead to one of these prototypes will perhaps the bike that makes a difference in Africa! delivering the best prototype design team will win a 10-day trip to Kenya to help a Kenyan team in producing this bike (conditions). visit for more information.
The African bicycle design competition is an initiative of cycling out of poverty in cooperation with ideal & CO, slimmer Foundation and several universities and colleges.
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November 9, 2010
Transit: Increase of tariffs may be less lead recipes
In spite of the increase in the rate of 25%, bus service revenue drops 8 %
I realize that the title of this post is the little economic rocket science, but its value consider transit agencies continue to seek rate increases to try to fill the gaps in budget.lorsque transit agencies increased their rates, fewer people rouler.La customer drop can lead to a net zero gain the collection rate, even if the price is increased.
Santa Cruz Metro route 17 Express Bus
The district of transit for the Metro Santa Cruz (SCMTD) recently released their numbers August 2010.Last July, Metro Santa Cruz stimulated rates 25% on the 17 road Express provides service between Santa Cruz and San Jose, California with 26 round-trip every day of the week.Santa Cruz Metro has also worked to save money by changing and removing routes into their system entier.Tarifs for all shifts in Santa Cruz County remain unchanged.
System wide, Santa Cruz Metro saw an increase of 2% over August 2009 customer.For the service of Highway 17, however, customer dropped 14 %.SCMTD part of the loss of customer attributes gasoline price stability and continued high levels of unemployment.
Santa Cruz Metro recognizes as "a portion of this loss is due to a decrease in anticipated customer after an increase of 25% of Highway 17 express fares."
August 2010, boxes of perception & pass revenue was $74, 261.Les additional revenue SJSU and Amtrak, Highway 17A $85, $154,228 operating 153.Frais total income makes recovery at 55%, which is fantastic for a transit bus operation.
Compared with August 2009: boxes of perception & pass revenue was $82, 581.Amtrak and SJSU brings total revenues to $93, 221.Avec a slightly lower than last year's operating cost $148,122, recovery of costs last year was a very good 63%.
25% Price increase is not chute.Actuellement customer, it is impossible to determine what impact higher tariffs have been client - more rigorous statistical analysis must do, and there is more data to a single month - but this can be important when transit districts are attempting to improve their financial situation by increasing prices.
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November 8, 2010
Interbike, Bike 2. 0, and thoughts on imagination
Today, I would like to highlight the results of the Seoul cycle Design Competition. The Grand Prize went to Bike 2. 0, a "one size fits all" e-bike designed by Nils Sveje of Inoda + Sveje Design Studio. Be sure to check out the "making of" the Bike 2.0 project page on their website for a bit of insight into the idea behind this concept – bike. you are interested in, that allows you to store all 190 of the shortlisted entries on designboom.
Speaking of concept bikes, I encourage you to read an excellent blog post by Sabinna Den titled, bicycle, bicycle design innovation, the laws of physics and imagination. She begins by referring to a folding bicycle concept that I posted last month. The concept was creative and interesting, but it's pretty obvious problems that indicates that the designer probably "not much about bicycle steering dynamics knew" If a commenter proposed.
Sometimes I hear from readers who tell me that I would not "unrealistic post" concept bikes on the blog.I wrote a post on this topic from last year, and I still have the same guideline to follow when it comes to decide what to share here ... in fact, I have to comment on the draft that interests me. In the 5 years that I've been writing this blog, I have found that the most controversial concepts are those who tend to generate the most comments.
I would like to see the discussion, so you can expect to see from "blue sky" melted concept bikes from time to time pop up here.
On that note, I'd love to hear your thoughts about the Sabinna post. leave a comment here, or better yet on her blog. If you don't already read cycling Satin Cesena, I encourage you to add your bookmarks. The Sabinna thoughts about bicycles, bicycle design and production and the bicycle industry are generally always very interesting.
Posted in concept, design Tradeshows. Tagged with concept bike, competition, E-bike, Interbike, Seoul. By James T
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November 7, 2010
Airbag bike helmet
reposting by drakedeva
$450 bike helmet disguises the device security as a fashion accessory.
Hövding ("Head", Bork, Bork Bork Swedish) is a system for protecting the head remains hidden in a vaguely elegant necklace that you need in a necklace accident.Le contains an airbag folded deploy in a crash. The airbag and then out poofs in large cap that wraps around in your head so your head okee dokee, yaaa, bork, bork bork.
Here is the necklace with hidden airbag. Note how attractive you can become any bearing Hovding pass!
And this is the Hovding after it is deployed.
Inventors from existing technology, used generator motocyclettes.Le gas is one of the smallest on the market, according to the website of the Hovding gas generators.The airbag release trigger accelerometer.The video shows the headset in action in various scenarios .the accident ' endo at the end is especially pleasant to look at.
I am surprised that same bike European models appear dressed better than their American counterparts.
Helmets, that will be sold in Sweden, will be available for approximately 3000 SEK or approximately US$ 450, 2011.La Sweden early is a member of the European Committee for Standardisation (CEN), but I'm not familiar with the standard européen.Une creative interpretation may be required if manufacturers meet US bike helmet standards test.
You can see more photos of beautiful Scandinavian bear cushion inflatable leader.
See also:
Bicycle helmet law Dallas and enforcementBamboo selective bike helmetMy reflections on front of polypropylene helmetBicycle helmet for dogs
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New and old pedal powered monorail handling systems, automatic
Shweeb has been working on this pedal powered monorail pods for a while now. The New Zealand based company was founded in 2006, and you may have seen images of their two 200-metre-long test tracks. The idea of a bicycle monorail system is already back even after 2006.
In 1892 was the Hotchkiss bicycle railways, invented by Arthur e. Hotchkiss, built of Mount Holly to Smithville in New Jersey. According to unusual pedal cycling, bike train was not a success, and the company filed for bankruptcy in 1898.Let's hope that with the infusion of money from Google, Shweeb may take longer than Hotchkiss did. it is certainly an idea that I would like to see implemented (again).
Posted in the commuter, Concept. tagged with Google, monorail, public transport, recumbent, Shweeb, transportation. By James T
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November 6, 2010
Friday bicycle news
Rain last night made my morning climb to work somewhat humide.Une another storm is supposed to arrive in the SF Bay area on Saturday evening, with up to five inches of rain in the Santa Cruz mountains where I live.
Yet, which is nothing compared to Taiwan, where the Typhoon Megi dumped a record 45 inches of water over parts of the île.Certains of you know I had to be there, but I sent Bracknell and Beverly. The brand of Bike Hugger is there as well.
Not to worry, although that: they're punch at a rebate to Sun Moon Lake 5 star resort, in Taiwan.Chambres inside start at $1,000 per night at the Wan Wen has literally gold plated and couler.Et group of bloggers American bike accessories toilet will be so far their hang time with Oscar Freire, Robert Hunter, MARJETA Valjavec and David Tanner. As the Chinese would say in this situation, it is the fight.
Cycling News
New York: Cycling is not legal on track marked as an official map of bicycle bike routes.Oops.
Brooklyn: Bike lane reduce speeding and bad sense bike.
Los Angeles considers anti harassment legislation for cyclists.
SF East Bay: Inauguration of Walnut Creek Bridge bike.
San Mateo: The gate of Pico Boulevard.Été sense poster on this subject more tôt.Plus information about this more later (I hope).
Access Redwood Shores and cycling.
Washington, DC: Bike share station location decisions.
Kinda funny in a kind of pathetic way.
Insert: Unicycle with training wheels.
Another project collob Puma Bike.
Gran Fondo Penticton, BC .c ' is about 250 miles east of Vancouver.
Back to Taiwan: piece of residues on the Giant bicycles.
See also:
Rain FridayFriday newsRivendell bicycle is hiringLos Angeles review act against harassment of bicycle.
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OOPHAGA Trike and a wooden frame of homebuilt
This "Lego-like" adjustable headset spacer from Trid Design was just one of the products they called that caught my attention. As always, is a good place to find Photo galleries of the show. Their Interbike page spotlights some interesting finds, such as this Ridekick electric bike booster trailer. Red Kite prayer was focused on the road bikes on the show. They were on the outdoor demo earlier in the week too, so see all their Interbike related posts.
I'm getting more Interbike coverage later, but today I want to pass along a reader submitted design.OOPHAGA is a Recumbent trike by Milos Todorovic. He explained the ideas behind his concept:
"These types of bikes have the looks more desirable, and that's what OOPHAGA brings, it is fresh and urban with a focus on aesthetics. Chassis is made of carbon fibre so it is very strong and light, and it allows customizing by specific dimensions. Almost everything is customizable, borders, Chair, color theme, decoration etc..
OOPHAGA is supposed to be driven on asphalt, but if one chooses it can be converted to an off-road bike.The trike has also shock absorbers for smoother ride. the head restraint is removable and supports the head on a longer rides.Recumbent trikes are eco-friendly, which is crucial in these days.With OOPHAGA got a cool urban eco-friendly trike with endless customization options. "
While I call reader submitted designs, I would like to point out this frame of bent-ply by Jason Cram. Jason mentioned that an older bike design post inspired him to build it. He documented his steps along the way, so it makes for a pretty interesting DIY post on Instructables. nice job, Jason!
Posted in concept, design of the student, Tradeshows. Tagged with DIY, Interbike, OOPHAGA, reader submitted draft, recumbent, wooden bike. By James T
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November 5, 2010
Overseas Chinese day
Today is day overseas Chinese Taiwan holiday inviting the enormous Chinese diaspora to visit Taiwan.This is a good excuse to say hello to expatriate Taiwan.Et friends Finally, it is an opportunity to talk about the Taiwan cycling Festival, taking place this month.
"Festival 2010 Taiwan cycling" consists of a series of activities that combines with bike tourism cycling competitions. The events will culminate this weekend with Taiwan Cup 2010 International Road Race, in which several Asian UCI with Rabobank teams will compete for NT$ 15 million (approximately $ 485,000 for the United States) price.
You've seen Mark Bracknell's Taiwan here at Cyclelicious dispatches.Some other familiar names the promenade include Beverly Garrity Cuptertino, AC and Mark Villegas Bike Hugger.
The Government of Taiwan is important to promote cycling as a form of environmentally friendly leisure Taiwan thrust, and they have built kilometres and kilometres of cycling trails in the part of the pays.Cyclisme is considered on the island, where a significant social stigma attached to utility leisure activity / transportational bike probably still the United States .the Department of Government and industry Taiwan bicycle transport work again, to try to change attitudes towards cycling.
Beverly explores some of these new paths last weekend, we say that the island is littered "with new tracks cycling and cycling to encourage riding recreational and tourism stations."It is in the middle of nowhere on an empty rail track and meeting "bike stations" that are fundamentally mini motorcycle shops with snack shops, maintenance support, toilets and even showers.
There is clearly a "build it and they will come" philosophy to Taïwan.Il work will be interesting to see how with success the Government and Giant bikes will be attracting renewed interest in cycling.
Read the report of Bev: 70 km of paths and trails.
Photos of Beverly Garrity and used with its permission.
By Richard Masoner
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A long Friday link post
Well, it's Friday ... the end of a busy week. I'm pressed for time, but I want to quickly pass along a couple of links that I've noticed in the past week or so. So in the fashion of the Salvo, here goes.
I called jruiter + simplicity of the studios of Roadster in a recent post.Now they have a new version of the bike with large 36 "wheels. find out more at Inner City Bikes.
Mohsen Saleh has worked on a bicycle with a prostrate posture. Read more about his "Pro-straight" design on his blog and let him know what you think.
Paul Goodman changed my life is a documentary about the man who in 1961 with his brother, Percival, the essay Banning Cars of Manhattan in Dissent magazine published.The people behind the film are sponsoring a contest to get people to reduce global warming and improving the transportation options in their own communities to stimulate. winners in the u.s. and Europe will receive new bikes Breezer and Biomega, respectively. The contest is co-sponsored by the Alliance for cycling & hiking, the World Carfree Network, the Bicycle Coalition of Maine and Dissent Magazine.Find out more about the film and the contest on the website of Paul Goodman changed my life.
Treehugger recently posted 407 bicycle Solutions: the very versatile velocipede. it's a pretty thorough collection, organized by category, of some of their bicycle related posts from the past. Definitely worth a look.
This concept of the cardboard helmet student designed has spread around the Web as it was presented at the London Cycle Show a few days ago.I think that the clear acrylic shell rain from ruining the ridged cardboard structure might like, but I wonder if the cardboard sweat of the wearer's head would pit.
Speaking of Cycle Show, is the B.O.N. D (deterrent built of known resources) bike, which an ejector seat and flamethrower features, see there now. I'm pretty sure bicycle Pee-wee these functions, years ago, but this one step further with the Caterpillar track and front ski blade. Check out this Cyclelicious post for the real story on this bike, which actually made was to sell insurance.
Although not a bicycle, these very cool chandeliers by Carolina Fontoura Alzaga made from recycled bicycle parts.Via Treehugger.
T-shirts, notebooks, canvas prints, and ... bikes? the 2011 hot milk bicycle collection from Italy
Jeranimo Cycles is a small company based in Tenerife, Canary Islands.One of their most recent cycling, the Slütter is a drive Shimano Alfine model based on a unique titanium frame.The bike is designed as an "all in one" solution.According to the designer can select "this bike in the morning on the road, and in the evening the best attack on your favorite mountain gravel. Just change the wheels and handles and you're ready for a new adventure!"
The cock's brink all-terrain electric bike is definitely an interesting vehicle. see a video of it in action on green overdrive.
This copper-plated Brompton by Tom Dixon was recently featured at the London Design Festival.
Finally the new pedal assist e-bike that smart car unveiled at the Paris Auto Salon. the most interesting feature is the integrated iPhone/mobile phone dock. The paired phone can display for speed, distance, heart rate, etc..It also serves as the control centre for the motor and battery features.
Overall, it sounds pretty interesting ...Read more about it on Cyclelicious.
Boys Bikes
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November 4, 2010
SR Suntour Swing Shock
Suspension of the road is not exactly a new idea. Many of you probably remember the Paris-Roubaix SL fork that Rock Shox introduced in the early 90 's. Prior to the Roubaix fork, a hundred or so years prior to his specific, there were many other ideas that float around for suspension systems on the edge of rough roads.
It is an old idea, but I think the Swing Shock that SR Suntour during Eurobike launched brings something new to the table. The alloy and Magnesium Swing Shock is designed to replace rigid forks found in many urban and suburban commuter cycling. It offers 30 mm of travel at a reasonable weight 1300g (2.87 lbs), and it has simple lines that visually on an urban fixie or Single Speed work.
This urban cyclists, who tend to have a clean aesthetics, are exactly the types of riders that the design team to win with this fork. According to a spokesperson for the company:
"They had to make a suspension front fork, that the rigid fork fans with a sleek and slim design in combination with suspension comfort would convince.The 30 mm of travel absorbs the major hits of boulders, sidewalk curbs, little stairs and pits. the rigid construction can better acceleration while pedaling and the weight of the fork of about 400 g 1300 g is among the lightest standard forks.Low built-in height of the rigid fork replacement can without the original bike geometry. "
Here you can find more information about the swing-shock on the SR Suntour website. Also, be sure to check out their video on YouTube. I think it provides a nice option for suspension on a clean urban bike … and I especially like the idea of integrated fender. I guess time will tell if the fixie children agree with me.
Posted in Commuter, Road. Tagged with fixie, fork, Singlespeed, SR Suntour, suspension, urban bike. By James T
Bike Parts - Suspension
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November 3, 2010
Why is the disc brakes?
I do not see the point in the normal course of the wheel disc brake on the road. is the thickness of the brake disc brake, with the disk rim.
The maximum diameter of the wheel rim and, therefore, it is the most leverage the braking force for the purposes of the application.
The disc is through the braking forces shall be sent to the hub may not be in a locked spokes. What is more, driving stress is one direction, follow in the direction opposite to the stress of the brakes.In this way may not emphasize, as the case may be, and you do not know the spokes would lead to breakage or future slack.
On the basis of the normal thickness of the rim of the brake must not be locked, there is little or no stress, (with the exception of normal weight, stressing the.) stress is directly in front of the rim-tire.
The radius of the disc brake means may not be locked, there may not be the only be. has not Crossed spokes must not be tangent to the other side of the drive is locked, the rear wheel of the vehicle, you must also have a locked-out may not be tangent to sides, the front wheel.
Tangent, may not be in a locked spokes is longer, therefore more weight;Also, be sure the weight this is spinning, which is more important than the radius of the spoke wheel is ... a little less wind resistance.
The disk and its thickness must be heavier than the conventional brake and to produce more expensive.
See pambundók or cyclo-cross bike disc brake argument because it potentially collect less than brake that is close to the tire Muta.
But on the road to the wheel; it Just may not be. Why do something more than does it have to be complicated.
Bike Parts - Disc Brakes
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November 2, 2010
Mountain bike holidays - adventurous and exciting
Mountain bikers like ordinary vacation, you want to take mountain biking where you get off vacation, and sample tracks, you not often the opportunity to the try can get. Enjoy holiday also mountain biking, because you get the common place cultures, challenges and landscape, your life is not easy to experience. It's no wonder, touring companies have started mountain biking offers holidays in almost every imaginable destination in the world!
Even bicycle manufacturers are always on the action. Trek to trek travel specialised - you guessed it - mountain bike holidays and tours.Fisher bikes has also begun offers tour packages - with Gary Fisher as your friendly guide! other manufacturers are sure follow in the near future - because it is a definitive market for mountain bike holiday!
Travel agents are another good source to search for mountain bike vacation packages, but are usually not what touring company which are not the same as travel agencies - to offer.Touring companies usually offer guided tours, but many Selbstgeführte offer tours sowie.Je after where you want to go and what is your level of experience a self guided tour might be more fun than a guided tour. However should if you are inexperienced or if you go abroad, strongly a guided tour.
The tour guides are generally well educated and know the places that you like the back of your hands leader his be you not provide lost or cannot be found, the most difficult routes for your skill level - the Guide has all the information. These guides usually know what is acceptable and what is not acceptable in areas that you often in drive with regard to dealing with the locals – especially abroad. These guides are also well equipped to deal with by Notfällen-, if there is a bike breakdown or any other breach.
Self guided tours, on the other hand, are exactly what may sound even led.The touring company makes all arrangements for which to get where you are - drive goal but Sie.Sie are accompanied no guide on the trail in most cases either led. This means that you must all situations that can occur such as injury or breakdowns, and a map to read well need may have the necessary experience to handle. You must also examine to see, where you can and can not go - especially in a foreign country! Beginner mountain bikers typically do not have the necessary experience and have guided tours for the moment to keep.
If you have never been on a tour of any type, it is a good idea to know what you are getting into are before booking the tour.Some tours are just you, your guide and other members of your party - such as your friends or family members.Other tours consist of instructions and other people who signed for the tour - foreign.It is important to know what is the arrangement before booking the tour.
You need to know what is expected of you, on the Tour.Die the bikes offer most tours, and are in the rule above on line Bikes.Einige companies can bring your own bike, but in most cases for your own bike verantwortlich.Ihr can food or can be provided as part of the package werden.Wieder is it vital that you all find this information before booking the tour.
For your next holiday should definitely some the touring turn to companies about mountain biking holidays see if it is a trip you have more than just sightseeing interessiert.Ferien - adventure is the key to a fantastic vacation you will never forget!
Mountain bike holidays
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November 1, 2010
Dirt bike dealers are desperate to the best deal
Dirt bikes are not sold directly to consumers instead a group manage the Show.Diese not only motor to sell consumers, traders from well-equipped authorized dealer but offer services and warranty repairs.
Dealer dirt bikes are ready to serve you with the best
Seller of dirt bikes have recently introduced a dirt bike model of the 50cc. This is only for the beginners or for children are only to learn to walk their bikes.50cc is the starting point of where the borders of the 450cc for more efficient and expert riders to rise.
Apart from full bicycle models are distributor or dealer entitled sell dirt bikes motorcycle parts and services, warranty repairs and contain. Moreover, competent and licensed dealers of the company usually handle that motorcycle dealer can all spare parts sales, shipping and einrichten.Zertifizierte even help taking a dirt bike to complete or dirt bike parts if you authorized dealer 50 miles away from the next life.
Distributors and sales which have most dirt bike manufacturer Department close Verbindung.Ein brand new dirt bike model is always pretty hard on the Pocket. Therefore traders often promote and sell used dirt bikes, the both your pocket and purpose.
Deal in such matters it is better to be informed, or you can get a model which has already gone through severe human rights violations.Make sure that on the bikes term was treated of performance and how the machine over the years.If used your page you can reach happiness to snag a motorcycle that is a pretty new model and was not much of the original owner.
Traders of dirt bikes in the United States are currently four leading dirt models, the Enduro 250 Enduro-550 Moto 300 and Moto 450 excited. Both the Enduros are patience Fahrer.Sie are hard, heroic and enemy Motocross race running an endurance that feel quite envious are others on Szene.Motos bedeutete.Sie are the best in this Abteilung.Diese varieties are the best in formality with electric starter, steering, stabilizers and liquid cooling systems.
As traders dirt bikes are licensed and certified, there is less chance, Fehlverhalten.schmutz bikes provide style, standard and Haltbarkeit.Es the favorite is indeed the bike market of the present generation.
Dirt bike dealers
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California mountain biking for roads to joy ride
Mountain biking at its best in California
Find us her, what is so special about mountain biking in California. Cycling here is wonderful especially up and down the coast.San Luis Obispo County is the place where biking are the way not only better but also diverse and the best part is that this place less crowded is immensely popular ist.finden. These are just the ideal ingredients that can make your ride yet fascinating.
You are fascinated with the uneven old streets that run deep in quiet mountains and if thats not enough then you can also try your hands on some technical tracks.It is a fact, that San Luis Obispo County adds ist.Nun, known for its diverse topography some coastal roads, gentle slopes and of course a mass of extinct volcanoes, moderately flat that little change on the site.
When it comes to scenic beauty then hold your breath for the Valencia peak from Montana de Oro State Park, the awesome view of the ocean boasts coast, Morro Bay and the Chorro Valley.While driving on the Santa Lucia mountains, take a round loop Western City of Pozo through Navajo Canyon.
Now, can your bike to get here and start mountain biking that you.Setting up your own tour is an option while the other is, in a customized bike tour to indulge the tour operators make sure that you can successfully see your local expertise and experience through your tour.Can a package including accommodation and transportation provide.
Californian tours witness countless riders each year.It is true that a ride along the beautiful coast here quite irresistible ist.Und benevolent weather, thanks to the Mediterranean climate, the long distance ride is thousand times more enchanting.
The rural roads here are with no traffic at all, so in the forests, meadows or Weinberge.Sie can it much easier for you to venture, your eyes on the beach towns and seaside agricultural areas while driving down.
Much to the convenience of the mountain biker is Mammoth Mountain in California's Eastern Sierra is one of the many ski resorts hier.finden you extensive network, the well maintained ist.Und how about it, the water cooler, toilets and phones made available in most respects.
It is time that your passion is your dreams in California to verwirklichen.Wenn mountain bike then is to California the right place in sein.Was get, is more than here, what is told.
California mountain biking
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October 31, 2010
Dumb dumber
Horse riding with my wife this morning our local bike on the road, off I encountered the same path always appear in the Riding buddies couple.
Guess they are both fifty something and ride the street clothes, a fairly decent hybrid bikes upright handlebar and skinny tyres.
The path is approximately 12 feet and I noticed that one of the rides at the side of the path and the other one on the opposite side of the conversation, press and hold the entire shortfall as loud as they ride is one thing.
This is difficult to pass; and I have to call multiple times in a position to know the loud during the Exchange.
It occurred to me that this is exactly how many cyclists to ride on the road and I wondered Why my wife and I, therefore,. ride side-by-side and be up to half of the path to exclude other walkers and cyclists, the second half.
Is it, do not feel comfortable kokemattomuuttaan, horse riding is a close quarter or recalls when two guys go to the movies together, and they leave the empty seat between "we're not gay" statement.
Bike trail follows the channel and is in two places, where the path exceeds the street in both cases, the path turns. to the other side of the channel to the other, which means that you must Remove the size of the bridge over the road, then take a ride back on the path on the opposite side of the road.
This morning, we caught these two guys as we are approaching one of these street crossings could be heard coming from the cars. but the two in front of the slow but steady pace continued only at the end of the road of the same size and make a left turn, three on the front of the approaching car.
All three cars were braked and slows down to monitor these two still Riding for two clients of the full path of the bridge prior to their conclusion is correct back again.
It will not cause damage to the right to terminate your access to, and passes the first before the boundary, rather than the text on the road bike path, all of a sudden, the traffic is expected to be?This certainly seems sensible approach.
Imagine, as well as these guys own cars and I wondered why it is, when a person gets the day of the bike, they will not be able to work completely differently than when their status.I doubt either drag the side of the roads in the road traffic approaching closely; Most drivers would be and wait until the road is clear.
Is the fact that they rode a bike and never to teach teenagers how to traffic as a result, when you ride? they are back on the bike at a later date, they will not appear as a matter of fact, as the vehicle, they will not show the plug has not been followed, the matter shall be referred to the rules and the Protocol.
How often do we see a young boy, BMX, mountain bike ride in the street, oblique, dodging cars reserved in both directions across the? they are sufficiently for the young, sharp and sufficiently agile, that in most cases, they get away with it.
As well as persons who have a tendency to cut some slack, in the case of young people; nobody wants to hit the boy. but when the person still Riding adulthood in this way, and it is only in a matter of time before it reach with them.
As I said at the beginning, these two guys are regulars on the road; I even talked to them once they look like. intelligent people, and it is for me, why are some seem to have lost all common sense they throw their leg over a bike at the moment of the mystery.
I am trying to find out, ask them this question shows them tactfully next time "
Buy Bike and Cheap Bike
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October 30, 2010
It I am to get fooled again?
Of course, you may stop pro (this adds a sport), and only after your mountain bike ride, kick the ball, which is more efficient than any in the list box, etc.
Unfortunately, not so easy politics-but will focus on local matters-is really the work of my interest in the city or the city Councilor, my Government is in the State (legislators, senators, etc.) is really for me would go a long way to work, you select a better forum, except in the case of sources of energy.
The same applies to Cycling. writing and wringing, Ironing is not taking part in the hands of the Pro, groups, sponsors, and instead of taking blood for the German, dope, doctors and trainers-local advocacy group, probably needs assistance, you can write letters to the editor to automatically execute pasting operations.
Pujottelevat off account of the traffic of children might not be responsible for (but cool adult-who built and track bikes!) you want to view until someone at the end of the road may be afraid too long ride or just for yourself would mitigate and encouragement to the bottom of the page needs some or other threats, not racerguy group with the ride, etc, etc.
Buy Bike
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Important things you should know before buying your kids Bike
Children grow quickly (if you ask me too fast), this is not news for every parent. This is evident when your child is the growth of his or her clothing is not clear to some, but when they grow their bikes. It is very easy from a terrible system for about 4, tricycle chooses the bill perfectly. However, quite different Bikes. riding bikes children learn slowness, steering, brakes and stairs.tricycles, of course, in addition to learning your child important skills of the balance sheet.
Most children start to drive 2 wheels that the average age is about 5 years old.
Age 4-8 See considerable physical coordination, flexibility and balance. By this age, most if not all children experts on starting and stopping the motor tricycle or 2 wheels with training wheels. There is much more than physical strength needed to start the two-wheeler riding for the first time. child should uve renata and motivated to click "older children bicycle.experts say this development cannot occur until after the age of nine years of age or older;If you've ever had a child learning to ride a bike you can a lot of patience. If your child is not motivated to run two wheels has been, they can be convinced of friends, horse riding 2 wheels, mother, justify their child that training "for babies wheels".
Dimensions of Kid wheels
The amount of children's bicycles shall be determined by the diameter of the wheels, not so often thought of seat height and size of the frame. here's how adult size cycling. A very important factor in your selection stop.I commend the hand brakes of a child until they are at least 6.many children are not coordinated enough to use them, making them potentially very dangerous. in such a way as to leave the hubs, brakes. Hubs brakes are much easier to use for small children but dependence on them can cause problems for a later age when the less often caps brakes.Following after smaller children's bicycles is the size of the frame of the 26 or 27 inch with 700 c wheels.Sage advice: no matter what age, have expert size bike for your child, please not all unnecessary security risks.
Purchase of bicycle rental
With hundreds of brands there is easily lost in the sea of cycling.the best method for selecting the right bike for your child is learning the fundamentals of the transitions. getting to know the most important parts of the bicycle and competitive prices.
I said in another article on buying old bike, a trust worthy dealer vindenLokale man block has a lot of real interest to provide you with great customer service, because the big stores much more volume.
Children's bikes are cheaper than adult bicycles and there is no reason for this.producers know that children outgrow quickly so most bicycle models do not have the same quality of the components, you can make your bike.This isn't to say that cycling not good anyway.
Bicycle well medium allows children to remove the driver and flat small footedly.Skinny they should also be able to get from the back seat, put their foot on the gas pedal and absolutely not Knees is strike and they must be able to reach the handlebars.
We hope that it will be a range of cycling to the price you have to clear multiple select and you will notice a cheaper, made of steel are a lighter more serious and expensive bikes are made of metal alloys.There is no real noticeable difference in my opinion, other than passenger convenience in the processing of light alloys.
Children's bicycle
How: plan your training program for Triathlon
The question "where should I start my triathlon training program?" should be your first question you should ask yourself. And since this question is your starting point if you want to become a triathlete, it is at the same time the most difficult to answer. Are somehow accompany your decision here make things you should know:
Like learning a skill, you should know what point you currently are. Are you a beginner? Have you already done some of the disciplines in the Triathlon? Where is your weak point? You know how to swim? Do you know like bicycle? Where are your strengths?Done to have all this and would want to have a structured training? have risen only from your couch and manage to detect run that you want to swim and bike?
All these questions and many other issues determine where your triathlon training program start should be considered. This would be to identify you where you start.Where you should start coincide, müssen.Die truth is your goal and your purpose why you train, there are hundreds of possibilities and variations of training that you can customize. If you have identified your goal, you will probably fail.
Set your goal in the short term and long term. In this way learn the limits of your workout.If you have no plans Ironman accession, skip the idea of running, swimming and cycling 6 days per Woche.Sie only root itself and you finally lose interest would result. If your entry with 3 disciplines, then it not healthy, if you start strong. Move gradually until you reach your goal.
Another reason why not strong should start if you are a beginner, is the risk of injury.Not just couch up 5 k a day.In the event were training for some time and triathlon type, you can start from where you currently sind.Verbessern you your skills from there, but remember have one aim and reach.
Whether you are a beginner or training for triathlon for some time been, one thing remains the same: have a goal to follow. And this would give you the idea of what kind of triathlon training select program, you should for a plan to realize, it must be defined in any case and time table must be be set correctly in this way the trainees fit well on the transitions from each training modes can.
The training
You must set the beginning of the training for a triathlon months or even a year before the actual race.It would be good, the basics early as distribution insert seriously with Triathlon spät.Wenn make contests, your lifestyle, then atleast be properly familiar on the basics years before deciding to join.
Why did it take long Fragen.Triathlon is just a game, endurance, made from three endurance sports three times to create the effects. When not training through time for a field then the domino effect of late training expected to occur is.
Training includes not only the development of physical muscles, but also the mental abilities that will determine your mind set during the game.Attitude can create the difference, especially when the muscles start to give space on the final leg.Attitude which will flicker the promotion execution will be.
The race
Most athletes get enough sleep the night before the race.This must be the case because the lack of sleep before the scheduled date of your investment to training could ruin months (and years!).
All things must be prepared for days before the race.The bad things you could do to forget to do a key just before the race and find out that it is too late to again at starten.Ihre gears must be especially even your suits, your assets and most perfect,.
One hour before the contest, competitors are given time to their substances to vereinbaren.Achten you to them in strategic positions gesetzt.Afterwhich, try, you accumulate and let voltage, from the crowd and of selbst.Ein good joke will do or start day träumen.Aber never lose sight of your goal, your visualization work.
During the race it would be best if you focus on the activity but not too rigid seien.versuchen you to relax, even while schwimmen.Auf is thereby reduced pressure.
After the Triathlon
Usually because of overwork or strain during the competition, athletes experience muscle Verletzungen.Nach the race would be the best time to the relax and enjoy the experience.
Training Program for Triathlon
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October 29, 2010
Select the appropriate mountain bike accessories
Mountain biking is one of the most adventurous recreational activities around. Unlike some other adventure sports mountain transitions provides the spirit and the competitive nature of the sport, along with the thrill of adventure. But mountain biking can be a very very dangerous activity. To their chances of accidents as a minimum, the first thing you need to do is to drive with a maximum concentration and care. the second thing is a specialized bike accessories for riding bike.Since many safety involved while selecting mountain bike accessories, it is better to long-term policy and select the accessory good quality for the approach of the short term, and select Accessories cheap, but poor quality.
Mountain biking veterans who all agreed on one thing. Get specialized bike accessories is an important step in order to guarantee maximum safety. There are different types of mountain bike accessories on the market. Helmet is perhaps the most popular of them. Here you will find the bottle cells that bike for the award of a bottle of water. If it can be mounted on the front panel, you can get where you need without much effort.other essential accessories include spare tube and pump to fill the air in the tube. The most advantageous aspect of these types of accessories is that if these accessories tab available of course tab lifts.
For the serious mountain is Biker who used to go to the long-distance a bit longer list of specialized bike accessories. you must add a specially crafted dresses for cycling to keep it hot and fresh for longer duration.Padded pants and shoes tailored very popular.It is also recommended that hand gloves and special sweaters. Another innovative accessory, which is useful for long distance mountain bikers is carbon dioxide inflation system.
Most searched specialized bike accessories are helmets and other protective clothing, gloves and sweaters. Helmets are designed specifically for the prevention of injury or damage to the head of the driver. one must take extreme care of all the strings of the helmet. Helmet should not be thrown by the chapter on the impact of falling.
Bike computers that are known as cyclocomputers is the most advanced among specialized bike accessories.These devices record basic information such as speed, distance and time and average speed, the latest versions of these devices are the GPS facility with which one can find the right place, usually these devices can be mounted on the steering wheel, so the driver can easily browse through the content even with computers or other devices for modern trick in mountain biking is safe and successful in increasing concentration and focus.
Bicycle accessories
Two Oldies
Recently had been sent to the parents of the frames page, which I have built images.
Rich is the original owner Tretheway (1985), 18 months after the entry into force, a 59 cm. Fuso painted San Jose Bicycle Club, black and yellow colors of race group I co-sponsored Shaws Cycles.
When the Rich was the race he was Riding 10 000 miles in a year, these days, he rides 2 or 3 times a week. Rich told me:
"I love Riding this bike, I ratsastetaan friends late model for aluminium and carbon frames ... but no rides such as" my bike "I have updated all brakes and the handlebars up."
The second wheel is one I built in England in 1977 33 years ago remains with the original paint and is shown below.
It was sold last month UK eBay and were delivered to the right in the Centre of Kaohsiung, Taiwan, with its new owner David Wu took delivery of the goods.
Wheel, 49 cm. is equipped with some of the new black wings, that go beautifully with the original black paint.Strange until gear levers, decal is not original.
Calls on the UK readers completely different topic.
(I) has been asked to write an article for the British time trialing. of course, I know the history of stuff, but I'm not up to date on what is going on now.
Are still pending at the date of the amendments thereto fast times "drag the region" courses with a high traffic, or are more events shall be considered to be slower, but safer courses?
Also I think of making a trip to the United Kingdom, the late this year or at the beginning of the following groups or clubs should be interested in inviting to me as a speaker? all leads, you can give me appreciated. thank you.
Buy Bike
History of girls Bike
It is in when it was introduced from the 1890 the first perfect bike for women by adjustment of bike women are exempt from the traditional dress codes and gave birth to the more sophisticated sense of style, it is permitted for riding bikes without the hassle of women.
Annie "Londonderry" Cohen Kopchovsky is very hardly woman. See it all over the world using the bikes. She was the first woman to travel around the world on a bicycle. history that many women in the cycling sport has inspired.demand for bicycle products of ladies sky-rocketed. There are many different ladies bicycle manufacturers all over the world.
Schwinn cycling has a wide variety of bikes that all ciklirane needs. Schwinn cutter Singlespeed ladies bicycle is produced by Schwinn. Schwinn N offers a "track gauge high tensile steel frame, N high tensile TIG welded gauge unicrown with false dropouts, Vice President, semi-vitreous cassette square tapper and Quill stem style. It is also equipped with a built last alloy sealed mechanism, later K193 700X28C tires and first ladies bicycle seat pillar. this product for the ladies bike is ideal for easy and ciklirane purposes.
Dawes initially in Birmingham has launched and is now a top British bicycle manufacturer.Dawes made their way to the bicycle industry, thanks to its superior quality, cycling.Diploma ladies bicycle rental is from Dawe
These ladies bicycle is made of high tensile 18-inch ladies framework that is compatible with the tribe of the adjustable singer corner of poise.designed with the utmost comfort to their users for Lady, this product comes with stitched
Leatherette padded, horse riding, soft-touch comfort soft pedals, levers and multifunction front basket total impact of this product are fashionable ideal for ladies.
Claude Butler is bicycle brand produced by Sokol cycles. it is well known for its unique bicycle brand a combination of fancy equipment and bronze las, long-term bike frames.
Claude Butler city 300 2008 ladies bicycle product that is made of highest quality 6061 aluminium frame, Shimano Alivio hydro formed 24 speed STI shifters technology and highly reliable promax alloy V brakes, it is designed to accommodate 8 speed free hubs, quick release hub functions and sweet alloy suspension seat posts.This product is intended for crossing rough riding ciklirane adventures.
Raleigh bike rental company has Used the test of time by 1929.He is currently one of the largest companies in the world of cycling.first metro LX2009 ladies Pack ladies bicycle product company bicycle rental roles.This bike is created by AIRLite aluminium frame, which is available in red and silver colors.It consists of the resources of Shimano's top of the line 21 speed with EZ fire shifter.This product is lightweight and durable alloy double wall bracelets of Accedo and reliable light aluminium V-brake action making it perfect ladies bike.
Girls Bike
Biking down Haleakala Volcano
If you're a little physical activity interested in vacationing in Maui, whereas the Vulkan Haleakala biking down.
There are close to ten different companies are available for cycling tours that the volcano book head down.The prices and the experiences that while your bike tours offered sein.Bevor become different your Maui should book bike tour down the Haleakala ask what you pay and what type of rules or regulations for the tour is it.
For example, some tours pick up at your hotel and others will meet at your business or Vulkan Haleakala 's.keeping is important that you aware these things before you make any decisions by a tour.
Cruiser of Phil's
Cruiser Phil offers two tours that take you below the Vulkan Haleakala biking.The first tour at sunrise occurs so that you see the Sun over the horizon in a dazzling array of colours includes a continental breakfast kommen.Es and a chance to stop at the end of your ride for some excellent Küche.Diese in a restaurant PAIA's trip is $135. The second trip is the morning travel and offers no real difference other than the price of $120.00. In both cases you will receive a helmet, windbreaker insulated suit, motorcycle jacket, gloves and all the equipment required, safe to ride a enjoy.
Haleakala bike company
On average about $80 offers a journey, Haleakala bike company Maui isn't bike tours at a slightly lower cost than Konkurrenz.Der reason for get, fall, or provide any food or drink. Provide excellent service and an exciting time though.Haleakala differs from other cycling companies because not make to this company with the Pack remain.If you want to speed up the volcano down are you to tun.Auf of the other hand, if you want to make a full day of your trip, you can use, that to do.
Maui downhill
Maui downhill the volcano offers a number of different tours for cycling below.Each tour offers transportation to the and of the various hotels and resorts and all the equipment, you must have a successful biking expedition.Many of the tours for inclusion in Haleakala National Park, continental breakfast, lunch in Kula Maui and photos to your trip to erinnern.Maui downhill tours ranging generally from $100$ 150.
Maui bike the volcano
The Maui bike tour starts, how the sunrise from the top of the volcano to beobachten.Sie are picked up from your hotel and to the Summit aufgegriffen.Kontinentales will breakfast and coffee angeboten.Sie with your tour given everything you need to enjoy a bike tour successfully, and then your tour is really beginnen.Sie 38 km downhill are Reisen.Sie able enjoy a small groups that should for further instructions from the guides you need additional help.
These are the mountain biking some of tour companies tours of the volcano bieten.Wenn unsure Haleakala, Maui, which company to go with the staff questions to the hotel where you are night, or the Resort.Dies should you, to find a good company with a tour that is acceptable to you and your experience level.
Mountain Biking
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Mountain Bike Parts
The mountain bike has a number of other features in comparison with ordinary bicycles. They include a greater number of gears, knobbelig bands, in a wider handle bar and often a form of suspension of the wheels. Mountain bike frame is called a chassis, a term referring to the frame, fork, and stop, single unit chassis refers is usually built up.use of lightweight materials such as carbon fiber.
These bikes are often equipped with a large number of gears, with some models equipped with a number of 27.lower number of gears on the steep mountain bikers helps hills or obstacles. Mountain bikes use gear technology that facilitates changing gears and levers that automatically move up or move down a gear during shifts.
Mountain bike has usually a front and rear suspension. The suspension shall be classified as a shock absorber for the rider and the bike. depending on the type of suspension mountain bikes can be classified into three main categories: Hardtail (frame with no rear suspension is often on the suspension of the front fork), fully stable (subtype of hardtail with rigid fork) and double or full suspension (front fork suspension and rear suspension, in the framework of integrated).
A mountain bikes can also be equipped with the bar of the wheel, particularly in the case of flat correct size bars.with the increasing preference ends, however, send connectors, bar end extensions are used in smaller numbers. these bikes are available to the public with the wheel size of 26 inches (660 mm recently larger wheel of 29 inches (735 mm) are also imported).bigger wheels-usually better obstacles, but they reduce the maneuverability of the bike.
While in the case of braking console is located in the most mountain bikes, some of them, especially those with suspension systems disk brakes with large choice in parts available for mountain bikes it is important to research your requirements before you the best prices for shopping.
Mountain bike parts
October 28, 2010
Cheap bicycle parts USA largest Bike part
Bicycle parts that are now on the basis of high tech, using the best materials for the job content and convenience are the most important parts of the cycle, you can get cheap bike parts harder materials such as steel and some companies have tried plastic, that light, but it is durable and flexible.
They are all complex, but all bicycle parts that shine machine with a small adjustment.
Bearings, gears, chain wheels, brakes and kits
Appliances chain sets and roles were first made of steel, strong, but heavy, alloy that strong and durable enough to be used as technologies that have changed and so equipment now has two main producers of Shimano and Campagnolo Japan from Italy.
Campagnolo is the main company, part of a design and practical bike, than Shimano began to cycle through the parts to emulate the Italians and as a result of the presence of mountain bikes that they took over as the largest producer, but is very popular with Campagnolo road driver for the mountain bikers or Shimano.
Other producers
There are other smaller manufacturers who specialize in the submission of the chain kits, pedals, gear wheels, brakes and other "trick of the bits in the more expensive materials such as titanium and carbon.
They will be the envy of your friends, but you will have to pay for them.
Rods, stems and Seat Pin
There are several producers of steering and steal for road bikes and mountain bikes, with all the equipment they use are made from steel, aluminium, carbon or titanium.
Titan is light and strong, but very expensive and you can't bend to the form, you can use for road bikes, but for mountain bike straight bands not this problem.Read more about LiteSpeed titanium bikes.
Carbon and aluminium more suitable for bars and stems, Carbon fiber is light, strong and expensive and bends under tension, this is nice for comfort, but you lose power through movement.
Alloy, it is likely that most people, the choice is very light and strong and can be bent in almost any shape. all three are used for the seat pin pincer movement at the top, where he went horse riding, you can add a lot of weight, so make sure to buy.
Saddle and pedals
There are many saddles, but what is right, that you must have cushion many frogs until you find your Prince.
And the error but can play its part may spend a lot of money and very uncomfortable, so talk with your friends and look at what the professionals use.
Pedals used for metal clips and leather straps keep your feet to them, we now have a clip with less pedals, though some traffic damage your knees and has a release mechanism of your foot, but a good pair of shoes to go with them.
Shimano and Campagnolo also this provision, see Speedplay, time and other basic regulations, there are also some other, but it is best to stick to the best of them, it also means that if you need to borrow a bike will fit, your shoes, you have some odd shoes plates of happiness!
I will try to take your riding and we hope that you will learn how to work a bicycle you will learn, also, save some money in your pocket, without taking into account your bike in the mechanic:
* Start reading about basical instruments for the restoration of bicycle rental
Learn what tools before the beginning of the work should begin.
* Bike parts, such as cleaning and lubrication.retention of your bicycle in good condition it is essential to prevent parts of the brake, but how to do it?
* Step by step Read for the adaptation of the first gear.If you want to remove the annoying noise at chainset, just this article
* Fix rear Gere.This is the part that adjustment.want to shift gears as a pro?videos for details!
* Bicycle brakes AdjustmentTake minute to ensure that your brakes, and they will look after you
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Know for bike parts
Cycling is one of the oldest vehicles used by man. It consists of a light housing, built on two wheels (a further on the other hand, with each of them be pierced with wire), seat, steering wheel (which are part of the steering wheel), the brakes and a few pedals or small motor pushing know and learn about the bicycle must be understood to mean the ordinary basic bike parts at their combined work.
Brake-they are used for faster adoption of cycling. They can be controlled from the brake levers, which are linked to the handlebars (as is the case with disc brakes and RIM brakes) or they may work with earlier versions stairs (as is the case with caps).
Singer-this is the part where the driver puts his hands in order to ensure the balance of the bike. it may be straight or curved handle there at each end, each of which is mounted levers to the company to keep the bar.It also helps in steering bicycle by providing the necessary leverage.The last rudder should also enable the Biker can body position during the long position change.
Chain-it provides for the action of the motorcycle by means of transfer of power from the pedals to the wheels. chains are Biker safety increased by allowing producers to cut the size of the wheel. Recent progress circuits that can gearing mechanism for bicycles in order to achieve a good speed, you must from time to time, bicycle chain lubrication or if they can get rusted.
Wheel-riding bikes of wheels pair of wheels consists of outer edge that is connected to the central coordinator using the spokes. Nut is used to improve the spokes on both ends.
Tires-it covers on the outer periphery of the wheels of bicycles and is inflated with air.form (usually circular) and air filled on the inside, it stands for navigation on the right bike.amount of air must be completed in an inner tube, so that optimal friction to the ground, so the maximum speed of the transmission of the wheel can provide.
Buy and maintains good cycling, a person must understand what each part of the cycling.Although they may seem trivial, when seen in isolation, but when combined, they produce the sensation and experience, one cannot afford to miss.
Bike Parts
Brake cable tunnel
Brake cable tunnel through the top of the transfer tube was an optional extra that I originally offered my custom frames it included a shield-shaped re-enforcing shield, which has cut the tube in the slot.
This thin steel brazed-plate was mainly the decoration of the place, and often chromed, such as this was unnecessary and Structurally.
Later on, when I was little (I) waive the tunnel an extra plate in Fuso.
Had I cut simply slots top tube through the outer cable housing of the thread, then sort of re-enforcement would have been necessary, such as the top tube is significantly weakened cutting slots depending.
I Did the approach does not, because the humidity can enter through the cause corrosion in top tube inside slots. I did my tunnels closed and seal unit itself.
I did this by cutting slots.Then I took a thin steel tube with only the large, enough inner brake cable slide through the contact wire, bent it to curve, then after I brazed in the short piece of music at each end of the first tube larger diameter pipe mittausosuutta hole.
This Assembly was then threaded through the slots and was brazed into place;In the case of a custom frame plate-shaped decorations were added at this time.
Hand held Drill bit and the only slightly larger than standard brake cable housing diameter than the entrance of the tunnel, was drilled off either end of the. for more information about the drawing below.
Finally, the surplus of the tube was cut off and leave the outside of the top tube with the frame of a custom or clean-up of the re-enforcing the plate with the information about the following illustration.
This system with a cable housing within just went from a brake lever in the front end of the tunnel;without cab yarn went through a thin steel tube and a brief other cable housing for the exit of the rear brake went from the rear.
However, It requires some maintenance.Although not humidity enter top tube cable-entry point to collect water than being drained of the outer cable down.
Customers were informed to keep both well greased keep friction, but also in the inner cable housing öljynerotuksessa yarn, of which it has been posted to the top of the pipe to maintain the humidity.
To give even a custom frames with chromium as shown in the following I still advice plenty of grease at the event.
Unfortunately, I have noticed some frames with tunnels, comes from the inside of the top bolt problem creeping bent tube from the outer surface of the hole.
This must be a relatively weak, that has become a structural problem of the way, the tunnel tube is being compiled as described here.
If you have this problem, except if you are designing a complete update; (I) notify the cleaned surface rust down, naked metal, to deal with polar Jelly and touch up paint.
Let the paint dry thoroughly and then plenty of grease, as described above, it's a good idea to also consider using the. some clearly in the entrance to the Silicon sealer. (Used in kitchens and bathrooms sealer type).
Fill in the entrance of the hole at both ends of the Silicon; combining the inner wire finish the whole thing is dry When Silicon, remove the inner wire, öljynerotuksessa thoroughly and replace.
But remember, paints and Silicon does not mix, and the willingness of the silicon and fat, so take the time, and then do one of the one step at a time. Allow dry and then Allow to dry and ad Silicon grease, the inner wire of the paint.
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